5 Ways To Get Relief from Menopausal Night Sweats

5 Ways To Get Relief from Menopausal Night Sweats

Your lifestyle and habits significantly influence your quality of sleep. It might be time to reevaluate some of those habits and perhaps start some new ones if you have trouble sleeping because of night sweats. 

We offer integrative, individualized care at Balance Hormone Center in Norman, Oklahoma, using all-natural treatments. 

To quickly and effectively relieve your menopausal night sweats, our primary providers, Gordon Hart, PA-C, and Brian A. Yeaman, MD, identify the underlying cause, including hormonal imbalances or nutritional deficiencies.

What causes night sweats?

Severe episodes of excessive sweating that keep you awake at night are known as night sweats. Usually, the nighttime perspiration wakes you up, and occasionally, you might even need to change soggy blankets and sheets. 

The primary cause of night sweats for many women is the hormonal changes that occur during menopause. But infections, medications, or lifestyle choices can all cause night sweats in both men and women.

Night sweat treatment is always based on the underlying cause. If you have night sweats brought on by an infection, they’ll stop on their own once the infection has been treated. 

You might also wake up sweaty in bed if you drink too much alcohol, smoke too much, or consume too much caffeine. 

We can recommend alternative treatments if a specific drug causes excessive sweating. Targeted hormonal balancing therapy is a gentle method to reduce stress and nighttime sweating. Usually, once we have addressed the underlying cause, the sweating stops as well. 

Relieving menopausal night sweats

If you're exhausted from a restless night and excessive perspiration because of menopausal hormonal imbalances, here are a five ways to reduce night sweats.

1. Start exercising

To avoid excessive nighttime sweating, exercise frequently and consistently during the day. Studies show that incorporating biking or jogging for 45 minutes a day, four or five times a week, significantly reduces the number of hot flashes. 

2. Steer clear of these foods

This advice is particularly important at night. Even though no particular foods are known to cause night sweats, some can cause your body to produce too much acid. Acid reflux, made worse by extra acid, can lead to night sweats.

Avoid these foods after dinner or in the evening altogether:

Some people report having "meat sweats," as they are known colloquially. Physical symptoms like excessive sweating are brought on by eating too many protein-rich foods. 

Protein and alcohol make the body work harder to digest large amounts of protein, raising body temperature and resulting in night sweats. 

3. Reduce or avoid alcohol

Alcohol affects almost every part of your body, including your central nervous system and circulatory system. When you drink alcohol, your heart rate increases, causing your blood vessels to widen, resulting in night sweats. 

You might experience night sweats if you suddenly stop drinking alcohol. It usually takes a few weeks for the sweating to stop on its own. Make any drastic lifestyle changes only with the help of a professional.

4. Incorporate meditation

The anxiety of another terrible night can occasionally cause inner restlessness and stress. You might overindulge in coffee to mask your fatigue or stay up late to prevent getting enough sleep. 

Stress relief and a decrease in night sweats are two benefits of mindfulness and meditation techniques.

Maintaining a reasonable daily schedule, focusing on managing your stress, and taking regular breaks are crucial. Try to unwind before bed with a good book or calming music to help you forget about the day.

5. Consider hormone replacement therapy

At Balance Hormone Center, we correct low levels of thyroid hormones, estrogen, and other hormones with hormone replacement therapy (HRT). As a result, hot flashes, night sweats, and irregular sleeping patterns stop being an issue. 

We customize HRT to your unique needs and hormonal requirements, allowing us to pinpoint the exact issue causing your night sweats. You can avoid unfavorable side effects by using bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).

When to consult an expert

Changing your sleeping habits and reducing stress are effective treatments for night sweat triggers that frequently don't cause any other symptoms. 

If night sweats negatively affect your quality of life, you should also consider supplemental therapies like nutritional support, weight loss plans, or menopause treatment.

Call us today to schedule a consultation, or use our convenient online scheduling tool to request an appointment.

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